
New Writing Sought

Open Book is seeking new writing and supporting material for their Unbound programme ( Nine awards of £175 each will be made for 1) a piece of previously unpublished fiction of approx 1000 words, 2) three linked writing prompts, 3) three linked discussion questions, 4) a link to two publically available poems (online) which in […]

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Recruiting: Glasgow-Based Shared Reading Lead Readers for Prison Programme

Open Book is looking for an administrator to support its work across Scotland. Working initially from home but then in our office in South Edinburgh (as soon as regulations allow it) this is a job share role with our existing administrator/volunteer coordinator.  The role will involve general office admin tasks to support the two directors

Recruiting: Glasgow-Based Shared Reading Lead Readers for Prison Programme Read More »

Open Book a’ gairm airson Luchd-stiùiridh Leughaidh Gàidhlig – Open Book call out for Gaelic Lead Readers

Tha Open Book a’ sireadh dithis Luchd-stiùiridh Leughaidh Gàidhlig gus seiseanan leughadh Gàidhlig co-roinnte agus seiseanan leughadh agus sgrìobhadh cruthachail co-roinnte, a bhios fosgailte dhan mhòr-shluagh agus a bhios air Zoom, a lìbhrigeadh. Bidh gach seisean air an cumail air-loidhne air an làrach Zoom aig Open Book. Bidh an Luchd-stiùiridh Leughaidh a’ dol an sàs

Open Book a’ gairm airson Luchd-stiùiridh Leughaidh Gàidhlig – Open Book call out for Gaelic Lead Readers Read More »

Recruiting: Lead Reader for Shared Reading Group at HMP Dumfries

Open Book is looking for a Lead Reader to join their Prison Programme to facilitate weekly shared reading sessions in HMP Dumfries. The new Lead Reader will be joining a strong community of approximately 75 Open Book Lead Readers including a Prison Programme team delivering sessions (subject to COVID restrictions) in 9 Scottish Prisons. About

Recruiting: Lead Reader for Shared Reading Group at HMP Dumfries Read More »

Recruiting: Call for New Writing (Paid Opportunity)

New Writing Sought Open Book is seeking new writing and supporting material for their Unbound programme. ( Seven awards of £175 each will be made for 1) a piece of previously unpublished fiction of approx 1000 words, 2) three linked writing prompts, 3) three linked discussion questions, 4) a link to two publically available poems

Recruiting: Call for New Writing (Paid Opportunity) Read More »

الوظيفة: مطلوب مشرف لقيادة مجموعة مشتركة من القراء باللغة العربية Recruiting: Lead Reader for Shared Reading Group Looking at Work in Arabic

مفتوحة للجميع أو مغلقة لمجموعة محددة ( وذلك لدعم عوائل اللاجئين والمهاجرين بالتعاون مع: مول – دمفريز-غلاوي- رفيوجي أكشن ( ). قد يتطلب عمل المشرف على القراءة أيضًا تقديم العديد من جلسات القراءة والكتابة الإبداعية المشتركة. سيتم عقد جميع جلسات القراءة عبر الانترنت باستخدام تقنية الزووم. سوف ينظم إلى برنامج الكتاب المفتوج حوالي 75 من

الوظيفة: مطلوب مشرف لقيادة مجموعة مشتركة من القراء باللغة العربية Recruiting: Lead Reader for Shared Reading Group Looking at Work in Arabic Read More »