New Writing Sought

Open Book is seeking writing and supporting material for their Unbound programme.



Up to 12 awards of £175 each will be made for:

1) a new, previously unpublished piece of fiction or memoir of approximately 1000 words,

2) three linked writing prompts,

3) three linked discussion questions,

4) a link to two publicly-available (online) poems which in some way connects to the writing, and

5) a suggestion of a broad theme for your writing.


Submissions (including new writing, writing prompts, discussions, a link to poems and a theme) will be accepted until 5pm on 31st August. 


Open Book will including this writing in our Unbound newsletter, which is used in our groups. Each issue of Unbound centres on a broad theme, which in the past has included home, bridges, birds, garden, work, etc.) Please also suggest a theme for the Unbound issue that would include your writing. 


WHEN CONSIDERING WHAT WORK TO SUBMIT, PLEASE NOTE our readers have described Unbound and our sessions as an “oasis” and “a place of safety”, and as a result we will not consider work that is dark or otherwise troubling.  PLEASE CONSIDER THIS CAREFULLY WHEN CHOOSING WHAT TO SUBMIT – WE OFTEN RECEIVE WORK THAT IS BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN BUT NOT RIGHT FOR OUR GROUPS.  


How to apply

Please send up to two submissions with supporting materials to by 5pm on 31st August. Successful applicants will be notified by email by 19th September.


Terms and conditions

  • Successful applicants will be notified by email. Open Book will also announce selections through their social media channels and website and as such will require consent to release the names of those selected.
  • While copyright will be retained by the writer, the selected writer will grant Open Book a copyright licence to reproduce the piece including but not limited to use in the Open Book Unbound newsletter, with our online and in person groups, in podcasts produced by Open Book as well as in other Open Book pamphlets or other publications for 24 months from publication. Open Book may produce a CD/DVD of any podcast featuring the work and the writer will consent to the use of their work for this purpose. 
  • After selection, payment will be made on receipt of the work, and an invoice, by Open Book.